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mark out例句
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When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.


There were several things about that evening that marked it out as very unusual...


It does not appear to possess any of the obvious signs that would mark it out as a restaurant...


In doing my reading, I often mark out what I regard as important in a book.

读书的时候, 常在书上把我所认为要紧的处所标出.

mark out an area of several square blocks and observe it on a regular basis.


Had better prepare an electronics map, and mostly mark out each small rea basic overlay scope.

最好能准备一张电子地图, 并大致标出各个小区基本覆盖范围.

They mark out in their dance a neat sphere of electric charge.


The attendant needs to call fire department to come get mark out.


mark out the mask along its contour with Polygonal Lasso Tool.


Was she able to wash the dirty mark out of her coat?

她能把衣服上的污渍洗去 吗 ?

Meanwhile, the case, data quoted while propagating should mark out the source and relevant experiment terms.

同时, 宣传中引用的案例 、 数据应注明来源及相关实验条件.

Aligning by light , helful to mark out by hand for shearing.


Is that dirty mark out of the tablecloth yet ?

桌布上的那块污迹去掉了 吗 ?

Advanced curves, spirals, straight lines, fractals and pictures can take a time mark out and work.

高级曲线 、 螺旋 、 直线形和图画则会花费大量时间制定.

Is she able to wash the dirty mark out of her coat?

她能把大衣上的污迹洗掉 吗 ?

In reading, I usually mark out what I regard as important in the book.

读书时候, 常在书上把我所认为要紧的处所标出.

Standing back, though, two things mark out this crisis as unique.

不过, 退后一步来看, 有两点使这场危机显得独一无二.

Doctor students should mark out the semester when passing the qualification examination.


The process aims to fix on potential talent mark out IDP, and promote career development.

此流程旨在为继承计划确定潜力人才,规划IDP个人发展计划, 促进职业发展.

Supervise completion inspection & testing, clearly mark out connection points with serial numbers.

监督竣工检查 和 测试, 清楚地编号标注系统连接点.

Aligning by light. helpful to mark out by hand for shearing.

灯光对线装置, 便于划线剪切.

mark out the field carefully.


Will the special washing powder take this nasty mark out of the tablecloth?

这种特制洗涤粉能除掉桌布上这难看的污迹 吗 ?

When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.


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